Monday, December 1, 2008

Tuna, or is it Casserole?

I just though of this funny little story to share. For any of you that might ever be in the vicinity of Corey and I when we talk about cooking, we may start to crack up at a reference to "Tuna Casserole".

I am hoping that he can, maybe fill in more details, but what I remember is that he had made a lovely birthday dinner for a friend of ours (way back in the high school/early college days). This is actually a great story of how the whole 'telephone game' can work or, in this case, not work.

If I recall correctly, another one of our friends was telling me about this magnificent dinner he had made and some how translated in her mind a Tuna dinner - as in a piece of tuna acoompanied by other wonderful foods, into good, ole' fashioned, down-home tuna casserole.

Now, the way my grandma makes tuna casserole, which I love, by the way, is with canned tuna. Knowing Corey, the gourmet cook he is, that is about as far as one could get from the beautiful meal I am sure he prepared for our friend!

To this day, when we are talking cooking and mention of tuna comes up, we both crack up and think "Tuna Casserole!"